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Camp and Covid-19




Latest Updates – January 2024




As we return to in-person programming this summer, Camp Awesome is following closely the latest guidance from Ottawa Public Health & Ministry of Health. The Province has announced the next steps to ease public health measures.

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The Covid-19 virus is still present in our communities and as we look to the summer we ask that all campers, parents, guardians and staff do the following before arriving at camp:

  • Complete the Covid-19 screening each day. Parents and guardians can use the Covid-19 school and child care screening tool to complete the screening.
  • Do not send your child to camp if they are ill, even if they do not have COVID-19.

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We will continue to work with Ottawa Public Health (OPH) and these measures may change, or further measures may be taken throughout the summer, in response to OPH and Ministry of Health guidance. The primary goal is to make camp as safe as possible. Parents, guardians, OPH and camp each have a role to play in keeping children as safe as possible.


While at camp during the day, Camp Awesome will do the following to help prevent the possible spread of Covid-19:

  • Where possible the Camp Awesome program will take place outdoors.  
  • Campers and staff will be reminded of proper hand hygiene and to wash their hands frequently.
  • Masking will be optional based on individual risk assessment and comfort. Staff will encourage but not force mask wearing for families who wish. Children will not be discouraged from wearing masks.
  • Campers or staff who may become ill while at camp will be separated from the program and sent home. 



For more information about Ottawa Public Health orders and guidance for summer camps, visit: Ottawa Public Health COVID 19Ontario Ministry of Health COVID 19

If you have any questions or need clarification on Camp Awesome’s approach to Covid-19, please contact the Camp Director.

Office Address

c/o First United Church

347 Richmond Rd
Ottawa, ON
K2A 0E7
Camp Director: Nikki Nel
Camp Coordinators: (summer only)

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