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Camp Awesome Bursary Fund




Help Us Create Awesome Memories


Give a child the gift of camp

We appreciate your support and donation to the Camp Awesome Bursary. All donations go directly to supporting families in breaking down financial barriers and help send children to camp. $175 sends a child to a week of camp.

Thank you for supporting this ministry for children and youth.


Applying for a bursary

If you wish to apply for a bursary, please follow these instructions:
– Complete the Bursary Form
– Email the camp director to indicate you have applied.
– Follow the instructions at the bottom of the bursary form.


Donate Online

If you wish to make a donation online through e-transfer, please follow these instructions:
– Using your online banking, add EOORC (Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council) as a recipient.
– Use as the email.
– Enter the amount you wish to donate.
– In the message or comment section please indicate the Camp Awesome Bursary Fund and your mailing address to received a tax receipt.

How Can I Donate?

We are able to accept donations to the Camp Awesome Bursary Fund through e-transfer or cheque or clicking the button below.



Add a donation to Camp Awesome Bursary Fund


Donate by Cheque

If you wish to make a donation by cheque, please follow these instructions:
– Make the cheque payable to Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council.
– In the memo section please indicate the Camp Awesome Bursary.
– Please mail all cheques to:
Camp Awesome Bursary
c/o Cindy Cherry
First United Church
347 Richmond Rd, Ottawa, ON
K2A 0E7

All donations received of $20.00 or more will be eligible for a tax donation receipt from the Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council. If you are making your donation by e-transfer, please provide your mailing address so that we can issue your tax receipt.

Office Address

c/o First United Church

347 Richmond Rd
Ottawa, ON
K2A 0E7
Camp Director: Nikki Nel
Camp Coordinators: (summer only)

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